To Brenna and Brittany's Mummies Alive Home Page

Mummies Alive!

Show Summaries
and Ratings

To Brenna and Brittany's Mummies Alive Home Page


There were 42 shows produced for the first season. The shows are listed in their proper order. Summaries of them all are given below. They are now all available on YouTube.

Also we rate each show. To the right of each summary are two numbers. The top number is Brenna's rating. The bottom number is Brittany's rating. We show the average of Brenna and Brittany's ratings graphically as a number of sarcophaguses. The rating system is:
1 sarcophagus This show is not so hot. It only deserves 1 sarcophagus.
2 sarcophaguses This show is good. We give it 2 sarcophaguses.
3 sarcophaguses This is a great show. It deserves 3 sarcophaguses.
4 sarcophaguses This is one of the best shows. It deserves all 4 sarcophaguses!

4 sarcophoguses 1. Ra, Ra, Ra, Ra - the first show explains how everything came to be. It starts with an archaeologist opening a tomb in Egypt and discovering Scarab, who is finally freed after 3500 years. Then, it switches to San Francisco, where Presley is leading a normal life for a 12-year old. Presley didn't know it then, but inside him is the spirit of the Prince Rapses, the only son of the great Pharaoh Amenhotep. When Presley goes to the Rapses Museum exhibit, strange things start to happen. A voice calls for him. Presley starts to glow. Then the Shabti come to life and go after him. Finally Scarab grabs Presley. The Mummies hear all this and wake up. They shout "With the Strength of Ra!", transform, and save Presley from Scarab. The Mummies explain that it is their duty to protect their Prince Rapses. They end up living at the Rapses Exhibit building (the Sphinx). Of interest: The first scene when Scarab is discovered is in black-and-white except for Scarab's eyes. Until the other Mummies discover that Nefer-Tina is a girl, Nefer-Tina wears a gold helmet that hides her hair. The first Mummies transformation is unique since it starts with Nefer-Tina in her helmet. Would you hide in a Mummy case? That's that last place we would hide, but Presley does. The Mummies get to discover some of the wonders of modern life, including the sacred box (TV), the white stone sarcophagus (refrigerator), and horseless carriages (cars). 4

4 sarcophoguses 2. Sleep Walk Like an Egyptian - Scarab spits out a "living nightmare" scorpion. He gets his shadow to deliver it onto Presley. Presley falls into a dreamlike state, joined through dream with Prince Rapses 3500 years ago. In the dream, Presley sees the Queen (Rapses' mother), Scarab, and each of the Mummies as they were back then. Finally we see how Rapses is lured by Scarab to the top of a mountain. At the same time Presley is similarly lured to the top of a building where Scarab is waiting for him. To note: Presley now has his amulet, called the "Eye of Ra", that Rath gave him. Rath tests the launching ramp for the Hot-Ra. Ja-Kal makes the first strange Mummy face. Presley, in his sleep-trance at school, utters magic words that turn Mr. Huxley's pointer stick into a snake, and flips a school-kid using Egyp-Tsu. 4

2.5 sarcophoguses 3. Pack to the Future - Presley's mom takes Presley to camping at Yosemite. Scarab calls for "the Trackers of Souls", made up of Set, Anubis, a bulldog, and a wolf, to track down Presley for him. Ammut tags along with the "pack". They catch up to Presley at night where he is camping and trap him. Scarab and his Shabti arrive in a helicopter, but guess who arrive in the nick of time for a good battle? Of interest: Armon has a bit of trouble catching Kahti. The Mummies put the Eye of Horus around Kahti's neck so they can see what he sees. The Hot-Ra gets pulled over by a motorcycle cop for speeding on the Golden Gate Bridge. Listen for Nefer-Tina's line: "Ready Set? Go!"

Historical Note: The show begins with Scarab dreaming back to when he was sealed in the tomb 3500 years ago:

Amenhotep: You took my son's life. Now his spirit wanders without rest waiting to be reborn.
Scarab: You can't harm me. I shall live for 50 lifetimes. I'll still be young when you've been in your tomb 1000 years.
Amenhotep: At least when I'm in my tomb, I'll be dead.

2.5 sarcophoguses 4. The Gift of Geb - Scarab summons Geb, the Spirit of the Earth to draw Presley out. Geb demands to know who wakened him, and Scarab says it was Presley. The Mummies meet Geb in the San Francisco Bay near Alcatraz Island. Their weapons prove to be useless against him. With their powers running out, Ja-Kal flies to Scarab's ship and steers it into Geb pushing him through the Western Gate. But Ja-Kal gets caught by Scarab. Finally when the Mummies battle Scarab, Presley tricks Scarab into admitting it was he who woke Geb. Geb hears this and pulls Scarab through the Western Gate, for now. Of note: This episode explains much about the Western Gate. A total eclipse takes place. Presley gets his first boomer-ra lessons from Ja-Kal. Scarab to Ammut: "Ammut, Attack!". Ammut misses Presley by a country mile and falls off the bridge. Scarab then mutters: "Dumb mutt!". Presley walks on the cabling of the Golden Gate Bridge?! The Mummies seem to take very little time to recharge. 3

2.5 sarcophoguses 5. Desert Chic - Apep, the Serpent of the Desert, and his four sidekicks (a Turtle, a Tyrannosaurus, a Bug, and a Scorpion) reform themselves to look like the members of a biker gang known as the "Desert Prince". Known as Pep in the lead biker's body, Apep and Nefer-Tina who knew each other 3500 years ago admire each other's driving ability and they start to fall in love. Pep and Nefer-Tina race across the Golden Gate Bridge with Rapses as the prize, and Nefer-Tina also offering herself if she should lose. But Nefer-Tina falls and Pep sacrifices himself to save her. Watch for: Rath finishing modifications to the Hot-Ra which don't last long - the Hot-Ra once again bites the dust. On the magic box, Ronnie Letch is to interview Pep on "Lifestyles of the Inexplicably Famous." The tryouts for Desert Prince take place in Golden Gate Park. This is the episode that Nefer-Tina is tied and gagged in a tent. Nefer-Tina transforms three times in this show, but none take her through her transformation sequence. 2

1.5 sarcophoguses 6. High Nuhn - Scarab calls upon Nuhn, the Spirit of the Waters, and says he will free the spirit if he can bring Presley to him. The spirit has a rough time in this show. He flushes himself down a toilet, gets washed out by a street cleaner, gets sucked into a water cannon, and finally gets frozen solid. Meanwhile, Presley makes a play for his friend Walter's older sister Cynthia, and strikes out entirely. 2

4 sarcophoguses 7. Dead Man Walking - Rath smashes into a wall and loses his memory. Rath cannot remember his name, but calls himself Ace after some thugs call him that. Four homeless street people (Theo, Rosey, Wilcox, and Max) find him and give him clothes and take him in. Meanwhile, Scarab is using a life-force absorption gate to add to his life span. Every year of life it takes out of its victim increases Scarab's life by an hour. Scarab has been getting his Shabti to round up street people for his machine figuring nobody would miss them. When Rath's friends are rounded up, the plot thickens. Of interest: Joe and Bob chase Nefer-Tina and Rath in the Hot-Ra. Nefer-Tina says to Rath: "You can be the most opinionated, arrogant, pain in the ..." and later in the show Rath says the same thing to Max. Rath turns some junk into a car/flying machine. Rosie calls it "the uglymobile". 4

3.5 sarcophoguses 8. Good Bye Mr. Cheops - The Mummies fight off Scarab at his Beefy Burger trap, and in the process destroy Presley's science project, a shortwave radio. Rath repairs the radio, adding an obelisk that makes it much more powerful. When Mr. Huxley turns it on, he gets thrown through the Western Gate back to ancient Egypt. He believes he must be dreaming, and is chased around by all sorts of exotic beasts including a Griffin. Meanwhile, Chontra is brought forward in time and casts a spell on Presley and his mother. She sees this as the opportunity to get revenge on Rath. The Mummies defeat Chontra, and she goes back and Huxley returns. Of interest: A scene is shown of Rath in ancient Egypt telling Chontra that he can no longer teach her. The "power of George Washington" is twice given homage. Heka is a Beefy Burger drive-thru attendant. The Shabti are flipping burgers.

3 sarcophoguses 9. Body Slam - Scarab plants an amulet on Armon that drains his power. Armon starts getting weaker without realizing that it is being caused by the amulet. When Presley throws Armon during an Egyp-Tsu lesson, Armon is upset. He needs to prove to himself that he is still a great fighter, so he enters "The World's Toughest Gladiator Contest". Scarab summons the spirit of Talos, Man of Bronze, to take on Armon. At the Contest, Armon gets weaker and weaker but defeats the Masked Destroyer, some Kung-Fu guy, and a Sumo Wrestler to end up in the final against Talos. Ultimately, the amulet is ripped off Armon by Ammut, and Armon defeats the 100-foot tall Talos by pulling his "Achilles heel" plug in his ankle, and Talos melts into nothingness. Of interest: The spirit Ka makes a gross appearance coming out of Scarab. The girl at the Contest ticket booth is really special. Joe and Bob get "stiffed" by Scarab. 3

4 sarcophoguses 10. Paws - Presley's mom gives a tour of an exhibit honoring Bastet, the Cat Goddess. When Nefer-Tina is near it, she accidentally triggers some signal to Bastet and brings the goddess to the present. Nefer-Tina turns into a cat and all the cats in the city including the lions and tigers at the zoo come under Bastet's power. Bastet demands to see the Pharaoh Prince and make the people of the city pay her the proper respect. Highlights: Ja-Kal and Rath have an argument leading to a fight, Armon fights with Ja-Kal, and Nefer-Tina fights Bastet over a tuna sandwich. The Hot-Ra sinks to the bottom of the Bay. Joe and Bob make some very dumb appearances. 4

3 sarcophoguses 11. The Curse of the Sekhmet - Scarab has a bad cold and calls upon Sekhmet, the goddess of sickness and health, to get rid of it. Sekhmet goes on a destroying kick. She brings about a bunch of plagues. First heat, next locusts, and then in Presley's science class, he, Elaine, Mr. Huxley, and the rest of the class look out the window to see it raining frogs. Presley later gets turned into a boy-sized frog. Scarab and Rath have to team up to get rid of Sekhmet. Of note: Ka serves Scarab his orange juice. Scarab wears his housecoat and cute pink bunny slippers throughout most of the show. 2

2.5 sarcophoguses 12. Dog Bites Mummy - The 7th grader Elaine wants to be a famous reporter. She thinks Presley might be connected to the Mummies. Meanwhile Set and Anubis are still after revenge on the Mummies. They capture Elaine to lure the Mummies to them. The battle takes place in the baseball stadium. In this show, Presley disguises himself as a mummy using Kahti's wrappings. Funny moment: Rath recognizes Set, shouts his name, and Anubis sits as any good dog would. Set then yells at Anubis, "He said Set, not sit! That's my name!" 3


3 sarcophoguses 13. Reunion - It is Father's Day. Scarab uses a Griffin to help make the Mummies believe that Pharaoh Amenhotep, the father of Prince Rapses, has returned to be reunited with his reborn son. The spirit of Prince Rapses inside Presley comes out for the first time in this show. It turns out that Amenhotep was just Scarab in disguise. Of interest: Rath's shows off his can opener; Joe and Bob get chased by the Griffin; Nefer-Tina does some water skiing. 4

4 sarcophoguses 14. The Prince and the Presley - Scarab steals a scroll that can open the gates of time. He is able to bring the real Prince Rapses from the past to the present. In so doing, the spirit leaves Presley. Rapses and Presley meet and look like twins. Scarab tries to get Rapses but the two boys and the Mummies fight him off. When Scarab opens the gates of time again, Rapses and the scroll go through the portal and all returns to as it was, with Prince Rapses' spirit back inside Presley. Of note: Rapses lands at Golden Gate Park. Presley takes Rapses to the Galleria shopping mall. Near the end of the show, you get a brief glimpse of the Mummies 3500 years ago. 4

2.5 sarcophoguses 15. The Egyp-Tsu Kid - A carnival comes to town. Scarab and Heka host a freak show tent. Meanwhile, Tiny Turner who is the school bully and his punk friend Chuck clobber Presley. The Mummies decide Presley needs self-defense training, and Armon teaches him Egyp-Tsu moves. Presley and his friends Walter and Elaine go to the carnival. Once there, both Tiny and Scarab chase Presley through the various venues, and Presley's new Egyp-Tsu training comes in very handy. Of interest: Armon and Rath argue the virtues of Brawn versus Brain over the course of the show. Presley and the Mummies watch the movie: Take the Mummy and Run. It seems strange that Presley and his friends (who are in Grade 7) think that the merry-go-round is one of the best rides. This show has a lot of one-liners, some good, and some corny. Armon really eats a lot in this episode. 3

3 sarcophoguses 16. The Face In The Mirror - Set and Anubis appear on the day of an alignment of the planets, which only takes place once every 3500 years. They bring forth the Eye Of Darkness who takes over Presley's body. When finally defeated by the Mummies, the Eye Of Darkness pulls Set and Anubis back with him. Noteable: The show starts with the Mummies getting kicked out of a planetarium for being unable to control their laughter. In this episode, the Mummies eat at a Beefy Burger restaurant. Anubis gets hit by lightning and for one second has infinite knowledge. Also graphic destruction of the Pyramids and Sphinx, the Eiffel Tower, and the United Nations Building. 4

3 sarcophoguses 17. Miscast - Scarab has his Shabti trying to recast Talos at the City Junk Yard, but the Mummies destroy that operation. Rath takes some of the magical material, and back at the Sphinx creates his own 12 inch tall Talos. It obeys their every command. Presley sneaks away with the miniature Talos, and uses it to clean his room for him. Talos gets hit on the head and remembers who he is. He breaks out of Presley's house and starts absorbing metal from everywhere and growing. The Mummies catch up with the now huge Talos at a construction site. Talos gets defeated again ... for the time being. Watch for: Rath's sword changes to a snake twice. Once when a Shabti catches it, and later when Talos absorbs it. Forever: The Mummies seem to wait almost too long to transform. They could have been killed! --- Whoops. Almost forgot. They are already dead. Strange: Presley has a huge atrium-like skylight in his bedroom. Don't know many modest homes with that feature. This skylight is also seen in Sleep Walk Like an Egyptian. 3

4 sarcophoguses 18. Sleight of Hand - Scarab dares the Mummies to face him in the Challenge of the Maze. This is an ancient challenge where the winner gets the right to be the Pharaoh's protector. The Mummies faced a lot of these challenges in the past and had never lost. No magic is allowed, but Scarab uses the "magic of technology" to aid him. First he defeats Rath with a powerful magnet. Then he defeats Armon by tricking him into the path of a subway train. He defeats Nefer-Tina by temporarily blinding her. He tries to use projectors to decoy Ja-Kal, but Presley clues Ja-Kal in and Ja-Kal defeats Scarab. Of interest: Presley shows off his skateboarding and hackeysack prowess. It is hard to believe that a Shabti can skateboard. Scarab gives Heka a kiss. A talking mask in a pink bubble is the referee (the magic mirror in Snow White returns?) 4

3.5 sarcophoguses 19. Missing Ja-Kal - Scarab decides to try to get rid of Ja-Kal. By doing so, he figures the Mummies without their leader will fall into disarray. Scarab uses a ceramic falcon idol to attack Ja-Kal's animal sign. Scarab's plan starts to work when Ja-Kal takes off and "the three stooges" fight for leadership. Meanwhile, a public costume ball called "the Night of the Living Dance" is taking place at the Youth Center. Presley is dressed as Frankenstein. Elaine is a superb hunchback. Walter is a werewolf. Cynthia is dressed as Frankenstein's bride (but Presley still makes no progress with her), Presley's mom is a witch, and Mr. Huxley is the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Mr. Huxley gets to dance with Nefer-Tina. Armon spends most of the night eating all the food at the dance. 4

3 sarcophoguses 20. Ghouls' Gold - Scarab has gone broke trying to fight the Mummies. So he brings out a bunch of spirits of dead goldminers from the graveyard to acquire gold for him, but they are uncontrollable and go after all the gold that they can find for themselves. They steal the Hot-Ra that is made of gold and will not be satisfied "until they have taken it all". They take Presley's amulet, his mom's ring, and gold from everywhere around the city. The Mummies lure the ghosts to the cemetery with Armon's golden arm, but they rip it right off Armon and steal it. Later in the show, Armon is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice of his golden arm in order to lure the spirits through the Western Gate ... but that doesn't work. Noteable: Heka operates a computer by typing on the keyboard with her tongue. Scarab gets a face massage from Ka. You get to see Scarab's machinery for making Shabti. 3

2.5 sarcophoguses 21. Tempting Offer - Chontra returns. She makes a deal with Scarab to bring Presley to him in exchange for some of the eternal life in the Prince's spirit. Chontra transforms into a young girl, calling herself Cheryl, and makes sure that Presley becomes interested in her. This is not to Elaine's liking. Meanwhile, the Mummies spend most of the show acting as service people so they can watch over Presley's mother. Of note: Scarab straps a video camera to Heka's head to monitor Presley and calls it his "Heka-Cam". The bumper sticker on the Hot-Ra reads: "My other car is a chariot". Some of the Shabti are disguised as cooks. 3

4 sarcophoguses 22. Loss of Face - Scarab makes a potion to make him look young and handsome. The potion accidentally ends up on Nefer-Tina, and turns her beautiful. "Wow, she looks 3000 years younger", Armon says. Nefer-Tina goes to a nightclub. Everyone is amazed by her beauty. A girl from the Fad modelling agency is there, and almost overnight Nefer-Tina becomes a fashion marvel. She appears in fashion shows, on magazine covers, and is interviewed on "Lifestyles of the Inexplicably Famous". Scarab disguises himself as a photographer to go after her, and calls himself Ray Sphinx with "Vague Magazine". Also: Joe and Bob get a quick glimpse of the mummies near the start of the show. 4

2.5 sarcophoguses 23. Kid Scarab - Scarab turns himself into a kid with a purple backpack and a purple baseball hat that he wears backwards. Heka hides in his backpack. Meanwhile, the Mummies are acting as chaperones for a Community Center field trip to tour the Acme Bakery. Scarab casts a spell on the dough and it turns into an oversized dough-boy. Of Note: As the episode begins, Joe and Bob chase Nefer-Tina and Presley who are on a Jet Cycle, and watch it take off in front of them. Scarab as a kid, has a brief run-in with the bullies Tiny and Chuck. Presley tries, but as in High Nuhn and Missing Ja-Kal has no luck with Cynthia. Benny the tourguide looks, acts, and talks very much like Mr. Huxley. Could he be Mr. Huxley's son? 2

2.5 sarcophoguses 24. Married to the Geb - A strange series of earthquakes take place, emanating from the Twin Peaks Park. The Mummies and Presley go there and find it is Geb, the Spirit of the Earth, who is saddened because he and his wife Net, the Spirit of the Sky, are in the midst of bad husband-wife fight. The Mummies try to help get them together again. Ja-Kal suggests he gives Net a bird as a present. Nefer-Tina tells him to give her a flower. Rath suggests words of poetry. And Armon sculpts Geb's body to try to make him irresistable. Those don't work, so the Mummies try to appeal to Net and she brushes them off. Finally, they vacuum up Net and give her back to Geb where they make up ... for a while anyway. Of note: Rath builds a Vacu-Luxor - a vacuum cleaner that almost takes on a life of its own. It tries to vacuum the cat. Armon has to transform to stop it. When Net knocks the Mummies out of the sky, they have to deploy their "Pyr-achutes". 2

1.5 sarcophoguses 25. "Water, Water, Everywhere ... and not a drop to drink (unless they pay me)" says Scarab. Scarab summons Nuhn who starts drying up the city's water supply. With the city out of water, Scarab is able to sell water at $100 a bottle and bring in lots of cash. The Mummies put Kahti in one of the bottles to lead them to Scarab. Finally, they drive out to Death Valley with Nuhn following. Can you say "evaporation"? Of note: Rath's spell "Oh great spirits of the air I command you. Lift up the waters" only works for carbonated water and a bit of mud at the end of the show. The best line is when Nefer-Tina calls to the other Mummies: "C'mon haul your Tuts". 1

4 sarcophoguses 26. A Dark and Shrieky Night - the show begins with the Mummies in battle with Scarab and his Shabti. After the battle, they find themselves far away from their Sphinx needing to re-energize. Without any power left to transform, they have to cross town on foot and have many interesting close-encounters with various city people. This show is notable in that Presley does not make an appearance. Highlights include: Armon saving a hot-dog cart, the introduction of the two policemen: Joe and Bob, and Rath's wrappings getting stuck in a subway token machine. But these are all outshone by the fantastic impromptu performance of the Mummies in a nightclub full of people. Rath is on sax, Ja-Kal on the base, Armon on drums, and Nefer-Tina sang the Rap lyrics that were the story of that night:
We were on this boat
and - we had - we had to jump out
and - well - we got really wet
and we - we just wanted to go home
Ah - This guy threw hotdogs at us
and we gobbled them down
but we knew we were walking in the wrong part of town
I - I tried to take the bus
and wouldn't you know
These two bums tried to grab me
But I gave 'em a show
So we ran down this alley
And into the door
And then I got to tell you
This ain't no fun no more
Boy we're having trouble getting home tonight
Everywhere we go we get into a fight
We're tired and hungry and a terrible sight
Boy we're having trouble getting home tonight
Oh Yeah!
This performance can also be heard in Show Me the Mummy!

3 sarcophoguses 27. Pepped With Good Intention - Nefer-Tina wishes on a star for someone to love her. Somehow that wish brings Apep back through the Western Gate. He is in the same human form known as Pep as he was in Desert Chic, and again wants Nefer-Tina to be his queen. Nefer-Tina still has her affection for Apep, but says she is sworn to protect Rapses. Apep then delivers Presley to Scarab, with the hope of double-crossing Scarab in order to please Nefer-Tina. But things do not go as they should and Apep again has to undo what he has done. Noteable: Scarab calls Heka on a cell phone. Joe and Bob try to apprehend Apep and his bike gang. Kahti plays charades to tell the Mummies where Apep has taken Presley. 3

4 sarcophoguses 28. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Huxley - Presley and the Mummies are at school to get the stone obelisk that brought Chontra in Good Bye Mr. Cheops. Presley gets stopped by Mr. Huxley, who tries out this "science project" and gets changed into "Milton the Magnificent". He gets laser powers and a whole new personality. Milton steals a car, robs an Automated Teller Machine, and heads to the Albatross Pub where he hands out money freely. He likes his changed form and wants to make the effects permanent. Ja-Kal accidentally gets zapped by the obelisk and becomes "Jeky the Great". Milton and Jeky go for a joy ride taking Presley with them and they battle it out on a runaway cablecar. The obelisk ends up at the bottom of the Bay. Of Note: This episode starts with a great car chase and battle scene against the Shabti. Joe and Bob pick up a hubcap that was knocked off the Hot-Ra. A quotable quote from Rath: "Sometimes it's hard for a mummy to ... unwind." 4

2.5 sarcophoguses 29. Monster Truck Mania - The Monster Truck Rally of the Century is taking place, and Bubba Baxter, Presley's race-truck driver friend is entered. Bubba accidentally gets knocked out, so the Mummies and Presley drive the unconscious Bubba's truck in the race for him. Meanwhile, Geb - the mighty Spirit of the Earth - wants to take his mud bath in peace, but he is right in the path of the race. The mud makes inanimate objects come to life, so the trucks in the race change into Monster Trucks. These include a bear, a horse, a lion, a skull, and Bubba's truck becomes a shark. Of interest: Joe and Bob have to work. Bob goes to watch the rally, but Joe gets to see it really close-up! Geb plays with a moose. Geb's wife Net is not in the show. 2

3 sarcophoguses 30. Eye of the Beholder - Mr. Huxley and his class (including Presley) are touring the Fisherman's Wharf. Chontra terrifies them with spirits and leaves a cat statue that the Mummies take back to their Sphinx. Chontra uses the statue as a gateway to get to the Sphinx. Her goal is revenge on Rath, so she distracts the other Mummies by changing into people in their thoughts. Ja-Kal thinks back to his wife Tia and their baby son, and Chontra becomes Tia. For Armon, she changes into his mother and brings him food. She then becomes Nefer-Tina's friend Kenna, who never knew she was a girl. With those three out of the way, she changes into Ja-Kal to fool Presley and ready herself for the final battle with Rath. But what is Chontra really? At the end of the show she taunts Rath with: "You can't face what I really am", and she then becomes Medusa. 3

2.5 sarcophoguses 31. Tree O'Clock Rock - Scarab believes the Tree of Life can make him younger again, so he hires Bes to get the Tree for him. Bes uses magic and a tree moving machine to move the Tree of Life, but never said anything about promising delivery to Scarab. With the Tree of Life removed, every living thing gets old ... plants age, milk goes sour, and all the people in the city get very old. Presley looks like one of the seven dwarfs with long white hair and a beard. Even Scarab gets wrinkles on his wrinkles and later grows a beard. The Mummies are of course immune, since they are not alive. It is up to them to save the day. Of note: Heka is used as an unwilling scarecrow to protect Scarab's tomatoes. Bes calls Armon "Armpit". 2

1.5 sarcophoguses 32. Object of His Affections - Talos is back, and he is in love with San Francisco's famous Statue of Victory and he takes the statue. Scarab offers to bring his "girlfriend" to life if Talos would bring Prince Rapses (Presley) to him. So Talos goes after Presley. The Mummies cannot stop him, and let him take Presley back to find Scarab. Nefer-Tina hides and pretending to be the voice of the statue, convinces Talos that Scarab has lied to him. Noteable: Joe and Bob try to escape Talos, but they and their police car end up on top of the monument in place of the statue. Presley and Walter play some one-on-one basketball. The Hot-Ra streaks down Lombard street - the world's windingest road. Presley was building a robot for science class, but with Rath's help, builds Talos the companion he wants. 1

3 sarcophoguses 33. The Bird-Mummy of Alcatraz - Presley and the Mummies go on a tour of Alcatraz. Armon takes a side trip to the dining hall and the Mummies and Presley lose the group. Scarab uses Shabti to make the tour guide believe everyone is back on the tour boat, and the boat leaves. Ja-Kal becomes separated from the others and Scarab locks him in a prison cell. Scarab brings forth the prison spirits to go after Rapses for him. Escaping the spirits, the other Mummies see Ja-Kal in the cell and bust him out. A giant firebird - the evil spirit of the island then goes after them. Notes: Plenty of really nice views of Alcatraz, both inside and outside. Watch for Scarab knocking his own Shabti out of a window. The escape boat is called: Jailbird. Presley transfers strength from his spirit back to Ja-Kal using their amulets. 3

4 sarcophoguses 34. Honey, I Shrunk the Mummies - Rath is trying an incantation to invoke the power of a Talisman (a bug-like amulet). Rath translated the incantation incorrectly into: "By the spirit that guides us all, make me as the beetle strong" and it does not work. When Armon reads it, he says it correctly where the last word is "small" and not "strong". Instantly all four Mummies shrink to the size of cockroaches. In their quest to reverse the spell, Ja-Kal gets swatted by Presley; Nefer-Tina almost gets swallowed by Presley; and Armon gets stepped on by him. Kahti tries to eat the Mummies and swats Nefer-Tina and Armon. When Kahti finally recognizes them she gives Rath a big lick. Charlie, the janitor, mops them up. Armon and Ja-Kal end up in the mop pail. Rath and Nefer-Tina get attacked by a spider. Armon gets stuck in Charlie's pocket. Rath and Nefer-Tina make a flight on a paper airplane. Also of interest: Ja-Kal is not so hot at miniature golf. When miniaturized, the Mummies have cute tiny voices when viewed by normal-sized people. Armon admires a huge snack machine. Charlie's dog Murdoch, and Kahti have a few battles. 4

3 sarcophoguses 35. True Believer - The Mummies buy clothes to better blend in with the people. Ja-Kal and Armon look great in their suits. Rath looks "common" in his muscle shirt (number 6) and red baseball hat he is wearing backwards. Nefer-Tina gets a red cape at the Naxx store. Her nerdy sales clerk, Bix Bingsley, becomes infatuated with Nefer-Tina and asks her out. Nefer-Tina is flattered. Outside the Shabti attack. The sales clerk gets injured and the Mummies take him to the hospital. Nefer-Tina feels bad for him. Meanwhile Scarab decides to offer $10,000 to anyone who can lead him to the Mummies. He gets Hally Bessie Bingabell (get it? ... Sally Jessie Raphael) to announce this on her TV show, "The Incredible Truth". When Bingsley wins the $10,000, Scarab plants a tracer on him to lead him to the Mummies, which he does ... eventually. Nefer-Tina ends up saving Bingsley from Scarab. She apologises to Bix for what she put him through and gives him a kiss. Of Note: Presley is not in this episode. Bingsley buys a Freddy Teddy "Freddycam" camera at Paranoia Park from the army-clad somewhat-disturbed owner. 2

4 sarcophoguses 36. Who's Who - A Chinese fire-breathing dragon comes to life. Joe and Bob's policecar go up in flames. It is the handywork of Bes. Bes changes identities: First Ja-Kal with Nefer-Tina, then Armon with Rath, and then Scarab with Ammut (right when Scarab as Mr. Harris Stone is making a speech where he starts barking and howling like a dog). Heka's reaction to Scarab in Ammut's body is priceless. Next Presley is exchanged with Kahti, and finally in the middle of battle, Armon who is in Rath's body exchanges bodies with Heka. There are so many good lines in this show. A few of the best lines:
  • Scarab in Ammut's body yelling at Ammut in Scarab's body to "Stop drinking out of the toilet bowl!"
  • Scarab a bit later: "This is going to be a long day".
  • Rath in Armon's body: "It is so hard watching myself say such stupid things".
The Shabti only obey Ammut in Scarab's body barking an order. Also be sure to see Nefer-Tina shooting Ja-Kal's flaming arrow smack into the Hot-Ra.

3.5 sarcophoguses 37. My Dad the Hero - Presley's father arrives unexpectedly for the weekend. Presley is delighted to see him. Presley's father is not the most honorable man. He secretly picks up a rock and gives it to Presley calling it a magic rock to ward off evil spirits. He takes Presley to the amusement park and cheats to help Presley ring the bell. He continuously lies about the great expeditions and battles he's been involved in. But worst of all, he steals the museum's Crown of Ramses the Great, to sell to Scarab. When he admits to Presley that he stole it, Presley is crushed, but Nefer-Tina chears Presley up. "Whoever acquires the Crown develops unimaginable powers." Scarab puts the Crown on and becomes huge and all-powerful. When Presley's dad helps the Mummies try to defeat the huge Scarab, Presley regains his faith in his dad. They make up, and his dad takes his leave. Note: Rath and Armon are not very good on ice skates. 4

38-40. Family Feud: Part 1 - Brother's Keeper, Part 2 - New Mummy in Town, and Part 3 - The Heart's Arrow - This is the only multi-show episode of the series. These three shows have been released as a Home Video. See our Toys and Merchandise page for more information. Here is our summary for each show:

4 sarcophoguses 38. Family Feud: Part 1 - Brother's Keeper - A new exhibit is featured at the museum. Two mummy cases are included, and the Mummies note that one is labeled "Kimas" and the other "Scorpion". When Ja-Kal opens a case, Set and Anubis attack him. They were stealing the mummies and the sarcophoguses for Scarab. They escape, and head back to Scarab's lair. Scarab, Set, and Anubis summon the "Scorpion of the Desert" from beyond the Western Gate. The spirit of Arakh, Ja-Kal's brother returns. Ja-Kal recalls back to when Amenhotep made Arakh his spear bearer. Ja-Kal had saved his life from a lion, but Arakh was bitter and made jealous when Ja-Kal was made the leader of the Royal Hunt. Ja-Kal continues recalling how Arakh helped Scarab defeat them to kill Prince Rapses. Ja-Kal and Arakh have their first big confrontation in the museum. 4

4 sarcophoguses 39. Family Feud: Part 2 - New Mummy in Town - Scarab now calls forth Kimas' spirit. Heka tells Kimas about the modern world and he takes a skateboard and goes out to explore. Nefer-Tina and Armon see Kimas in trouble, but he easily mummyhandles the bunch of goons attacking him. Not knowing who he is, Nefer-Tina and Armon take Kimas first, to Beefy Burger, and then to a dance hall. Scarab and his Shabti attack, and Nefer-Tina and Armon learn that Kimas is a mummy and teach him to transform. They escape in the Hot-Ra and are chased down Lombard Street. In the battle Kimas nails Scarab. Ja-Kal and Kimas finally reunite, but Ja-Kal is extremely cautious and won't take Kimas back with them yet. Kimas goes back to Scarab and tells him how he just about had the Mummies' trust. 4

4 sarcophoguses 40. Family Feud: Part 3 - The Heart's Arrow - Ja-Kal contemplates about Kimas, about his own son, and about his duty. Rath realizes that if they destroy Arakh's scorpion charm, then Arakh's scorpion suit will be sent back through the Western Gate forever, taking Arakh with it. But Arakh had lost the scorpion charm at the museum exhibit, and the exhibit was being taken away in a truck. The Mummies catch up to the truck just as Scarab in his helicopter also reaches it. The helicopter takes the exhibit crashing back to Scarab's lair due to Heka's inexpert flying. Arakh finds his charm. The Mummies meet with Kimas at Beefy Burger. Kimas leads Ja-Kal into a trap at Fort Point, but finds out that his own father was the one lying. Kimas defends Ja-Kal from Arakh and destroys the charm sending himself and Arakh back through the Western Gate. 4

3 sarcophoguses 41. We've Got One - While the Mummies are fighting Scarab, Rath crashes into Bob the policeman, and they are both knocked unconscious. Together, they get taken to the hospital. Joe is excited, thinking Rath is a genuine space alien, but he is soon pushed aside by Federal Investigator Phillips who takes over. Phillips analyzes Rath with the intent of turning him over to "the General" so that he can get "promoted out of this backroom deskjob to where the real action is". When "the General" finally arrives, Phillips' efforts are to be rewarded with a transfer to Antarctica. Of note: Joe and Bob destroy yet another police car. Rath is of course diagnosed as dead upon arrival and is sent to the morgue. A young volunteer nurse replaces Rath's old bandages with fresh itchy new ones. Armon witnesses a birth. Joe refers to the imaginary newsgroup: alt.conspiracy.saucers.paranoia. Phillips replies with, "Oh that cursed Internet". Presley is not in this show. 3

3 sarcophoguses 42. Show Me the Mummy! - The final episode. Joe has become intent on finding out who and what these Mummies are. He hosts a KKIM radio broadcast asking to hear from those who have had run ins with the Mummies. Many clips from previous episodes are included. He hears from nine people who saw the following:
  • The fight with the dough monster in Kid Scarab.
  • The championship fight between Armon and Talos in Body Slam.
  • Armon saving a hotdog cart in A Dark and Shrieky Night. This is the hotdog merchant calling.
  • The costume dance in Missing Ja-Kal.
  • Fighting the huge Scarab in My Dad the Hero.
  • Fighting Nuhn in High Nuhn.
  • At Golden Gate park, fighting Apep's gang and then fighting Scarab and the Shabti in Desert Chic.
  • The Mummies' performance in the Chinatown club in A Dark and Shrieky Night.
  • Last is Bix Bingsley's story: He kissed one! Three scenes from True Believer.
Joe also gets a call from Bob who pleads with him saying: "You said you were going to stop doing this, Joe." In the end, Joe is satisfied.

Presley and Kahti
Presley and Kahti


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