
How to Join the
Supporters of Mummies Alive! on the Web


Please Fill Out
Our Petition

We are Working Together to Mummify the Web! How to Join

News and Rumors

Links to all the Mummies Alive! Pages on the Web
Search the Mummies Alive! Pages:


There are several ways you can join and support Mummies Alive.

  1. If you have your own website, you can create your own web pages about Mummies Alive! We would hope you create material that can add to the Mummies Alive universe and not just duplicate what is already out there. There are a lot of possibilities. Check our SOMA Links Page to see what is out there, and hopefully you can come up with ideas for other pages. If you put up some Mummies Alive content, we will be happy to add a link to your pages on our SOMA Links page. If you also add our SOMA code snippet to your page (see #2), we will add your link to the SOMA supporters section.

  2. If you have your own website, and just want to show your support for Mummies Alive, please include the Supporters of Mummies Alive code snippet on your main page. By adding the SOMA snippet to your page, you also will be able to do a Mummies Alive web search right from your own page! We appreciate your support and will include a link to your website in the Supporters section of our SOMA Links Page.

    The code snippet is:

    NOTE: December 2007, the snippet was changed to implement the Google Custom Search.
    If you have the older snippet, your search box won't work. Feel free to upgrade it to this one.

    <!-- BEGIN SUPPORTERS OF MUMMIES ALIVE! SNIPPET --> <P><CENTER> <TABLE BORDER="3" CELLSPACING="2" CELLPADDING="2" RULES="ALL"> <TR> <TD WIDTH="130" ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="MIDDLE"><B><A HREF="smahome.shtml">SOMA Home</A><P><A HREF="smapetition.shtml">Please Fill Out<BR>Our Petition</A></B></TD> <TD><A HREF="smahome.shtml"><IMG SRC="soma.jpg" WIDTH=260 HEIGHT=95 BORDER=0 ALT="We are Working Together to Mummify the Web!"></A></TD> <TD WIDTH="130" ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="MIDDLE"><B><A HREF="smajoin.shtml">How to Join</A><P><A HREF="smanews.shtml">News and Rumors</A></B></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN="3" ALIGN="CENTER"> <BR><B><A HREF="smalinks.shtml">Links to all the Mummies Alive! Pages on the Web</A></B> <!-- Google CSE Search Box Begins --> <form action="https://www.lkessler.com/smasearchresults.shtml" id="searchbox_003272412690902578152:j7kxqsdzwys"> <B>Search the Mummies Alive! Pages:</B> <input type="hidden" name="cx" value="003272412690902578152:j7kxqsdzwys" /> <input type="hidden" name="cof" value="FORID:9" /> <input type="text" name="q" size="25" /> <input type="submit" name="sa" value="Go!" /> </form> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/coop/cse/brand?form=searchbox_003272412690902578152%3Aj7kxqsdzwys&lang=en"></script> <!-- Google CSE Search Box Ends --> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </CENTER> <!-- END SUPPORTERS OF MUMMIES ALIVE! SNIPPET -->

  3. Even if you do not have a web site of your own, you can help. We are collecting names of people who would like to see a new season of all-new Mummies Alive shows. We have several thousand names so far! Please keep them coming!

    Please sign our Petition!

If you enjoy the show and would like to see Mummies Alive continue another season, your support in one of these three ways would be the best thing you can do to help.


The SOMA site is maintained by Louis Kessler
Please send any site suggestions or Mummies Alive information for the site to:

The SOMA Logo was created for SOMA by Kalia
- my Privacy Notice

Copyright © Louis Kessler
All Rights Reserved